If #COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is that life does not always go according to plan. The ‎unprecedented levels of change we have been experiencing on a global scale over the last few ‎months have been an emotional rollercoaster on a personal level too.‎

‎Lockdown, in particular, has had the effect of making many of us review and reassess our ‎priorities. Against the backdrop of anxiety experienced due to the pandemic ‘out there, we have ‎had to slow down at home, giving us more time to reflect on life choices past, present ‎, and future.‎

During this lockdown, many people have reported personal insights that have shaped how they want their future to unfold that is different from before. Keep an open mind and take advantage of the opportunities present for personal growth.

In this context, the Story Book ran a campaign, collecting stories from youth in Africa who, during the lockdown, have identified a habit, pattern, person, environment, etc., and their journey through #packingitaway to create space for personal growth and development. We selected two winners who got gorgeous leather bags from Kamandora Designs.

Here’s a video from Mercy and a story from Lewis is linked below it. Enjoy:)

Dispassionate pursuit of passion- Embracing A Reading Culture

“The biggest innovation in human history is realizing that human beings have the ability to alter their life by altering their thinking” -Lewis Momanyi

Read Full Story : https://thestorybook.whitneymwangi.com/dispassionate-pursuit-of-passion-embracing-a-reading-culture/


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