Our Story

The Story Book Africa is a creative enterprise with a social purpose – to inspire, ‎educate, mentor, entertain and influence the youth in Africa to ‎make informed decisions on their healing, growth and ‎‎development.

Established in 2013 as a blog, the Story Book Africa has evolved significantly over the years incorporating youth empowerment and mobilisation projects through which ‎talents and businesses owned by young people ‎in Africa are ‎supported by ‎the Story Book either financially or through publicity.‎ Working in this way, the Story Book envisions transforming ‎people’s lives in our communities through the art of ‎story-telling.‎

We also embrace the global movements to a better world specifically supporting the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

  • Target 3.4: By 2030, reduce by one-third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being.

SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable, economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

  • Target 8.6: By 2020, substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training.


Stories shape how we understand the world, our place in it, and our ability to change it. ‎We are all products of our backgrounds, perceptions, and experiences, which all ‎form how we interpret the world, so we all have unique stories to share. This explains ‎our logline – There are people. There are stories.‎

Our message is simple, we can attain the lasting, sustainable change we desire in different aspects of our lives. For change to be lifelong, it has to start in the mind and we want to be a part of that process. Messages delivered as stories can be up to 22 times more memorable than just facts – so we are going with the power tool!

We go beyond the narrative of achievements and performances, and unravel the story behind it, building a sense of compassion and community with real people behind them.

Now that you know about us, we’d like to know about you: #WhatsYourStory?

Let’s chat: info@thestorybook.whitneymwangi.com

Our Vision

Empowered youth, with growth mindsets and victor mentalities

Our Mission

To transform lives of youth in Africa through stories.

Meet the Founder: Whitney Mwangi

Writing has been my safe space for as long as I can remember. The grounding power of the written word has gotten me through the seasons of healing, growth and development – the hills and valleys, smiles and frets! Today, I desire to use my writing to tell how life is a journey, process, and discovery painted by our ‎struggles, passions, and beliefs that we must embrace, learning the lessons there are and ‎eventually emerging as winners.

I am also passionate about youth empowerment and the life-changing power of storytelling. The Story Book is where I bring it all together and extend space for youth in Africa to be transformed, story by story.

Existing in good health and wellness is definitely my thing! So when I am not building the Story Book Africa, I am working with organisations to design effective communication strategies for health-related issues in Africa as a Health Communications and Advocacy Specialist.

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