


I had kept him waiting for two hours. Definitely not the best of mannerism for a first date. I felt deeply sorry as I rushed through Moi Avenue and even more penitent when I got to the café and realized how uncomfortable he must have been, dawdling in that hot, humid and uncomfortably crowded room.

We had met on Tinder…

We had met on Tinder and talked a lot before planning to meet two months later. Out of all my matches on the casual dating app, I liked how consistent, persistent and charming he seemed. I was eager to meet this man who went by the alias Your Future.

He managed a smile and a hug. Unfortunately, the wrath in his eyes was as evident as a lighthouse at sea.

“I’m sorry I’m late. My errands took longer than expected,” I said whilst smiling, too hard perhaps, to elate my date.

After exchanging pleasantries, I suggested that we head upstairs to the lounge, which was usually quieter and lavished with a pampering breeze.

“So tell me a little about you,” I asked as I drew my glass of wine closer.

“There’s nothing to tell. I’m easier to figure out with time,” he said.

“Okay. What do you enjoy then?”

“Mmh…music. Mostly solitude,” he said.

Wait…is this the man I have been chatting with online? Who has replaced Mr. Charming Persistent with Mr. Cold Dry? I thought.

His shoulder-up was a masterpiece of creation. Amazing brown eyes. Bald and bearded. His smile…have you ever met someone whose smile was so mind blowing that when they smile you find yourself smiling too, like a retard? But as the conversation went on, getting more drily by the minute, all his goodness flickered into the image of a red devil with six horns and a chainsaw tearing through my emotional capacity.

You look like the no nonsense type. The kind that does not take shit. Which is intimidating to men.

“You look like the no nonsense type. The kind that does not take shit. Which is intimidating to men,” he said.

“I do? Wow. I hate that that would be the first thing anyone would notice about me,” I said, my voice gradually shifting from a mumble to a whisper.

“So why are you single?”

“I simply haven’t met anyone who has made me feel the urge to get off the market.”

“You know, we are very much alike. On my free time I smoke some weed. You should try it,” he said.

“I have never tried weed. I have an uncle who does a lot of it and right now he is far from sane. He actually quit his job and has since befallen some Rastafarian religion where the answer to everything is Jah will provide,” I responded.

“That’s laced weed. I’ll provide you with the good stuff. Trust me. Besides, I think you need it.”

I need it? Ha. Okay! Don’t you know me so well already, I thought distastefully.

“No, thanks.”

“You have trust issues, don’t you? Weed will help you,” he retorted.

“You’re making me feel like I have issues,” I said.

“No way! What I am saying is…” Blah blah…yada yada…what followed was advice on how I should loosen up and smoke some weed.

I sat there looking like a painting taped to a wall. Helpless and stuck. I really can’t explain why I didn’t fake a seizure or walk away at least. Eventually, it got to a point where we had nothing to say and the date ended anesthetically. We haven’t spoken since.


Technology served me beautifully and generously a few years ago, as far as dating was concerned. What happened to the first date being all about having fun? Or enjoying each other’s company till the food runs cold? In my perspective, the experience while on a date should resemble that of visiting a museum. You feast your eyes to diversity. Explore the beauty of the mind of others. Enjoy. Learn. Make helpful and powerful connections.

What gives anyone the right to call out another person on what you think is wrong with them? Someone you’ve only known for a hot minute. And even recommend what they should smoke up to level up to your definition of normal? That’s just rude. And with that said Tinder is whack!

I definitely want to hear your online dating experience and/or weird date stories. Share!


Two years ago, today, I was in the middle of my three-month stay in Gaziantep, Turkey. I haven’t been able to get over the heavy yet exciting experience. But how could I? When it was my first trip abroad and the longest I had ever been away from my family!

The purpose of the visit was to work on a global community development project dubbed Meet My Friend 2014 (MMF’14) ran by AIESEC in Gaziantep. The project involved cultural exchange between people from different countries. It also involved active interaction with the youth in Antep to address the issues affecting them.

Prior to my trip, I was sure to Google about Turkey; the weather, culture and read a few reviews.

“Winter limits you to certain activities. It is also less crowded in Turkey during winter. But this is a good chance to meet the locals and really know their culture. They are also pretty friendly,” said a reviewer, online. And with the mental note of each word, I could feel anticipation bursting into a million pieces within me. Moreover, I am passionate about the youth, global development and enjoy traveling and meeting new people. Boy, wasn’t I excited!

Gaziantep offered a rare window into life abroad, especially for a Black girl, and some handy life lessons.

Surrealistic Race Card!

I was assigned to Ozel Çağdaş Bilgi; a private high school that was popular for its mule-headed students. During our first interactions, all they did was stare. So I would talk, talk and talk some more then join them in staring at each other. This was obviously frustrating because I did not quite get why they were looking at me like I had mushrooms growing out of my nose.

racismAfter work, I would pass by the park on my way home to entertain myself with a few of Demi Lovato’s. Here, I would end up being more of the entertainment. The people would want to touch me, take photographs or just stare. I felt excruciatingly embarrassed and abnormal.

As if that wasn’t enough, some strange men would follow me around in their car as I walked home. They would hoot and holler things in Turkish which drew immense attention towards me from the passersby. One evening, a supermarket vendor near where I lived asked me why I let the men follow me.

“Do I have an option? First of all, they don’t speak English,” I said, seeming equally astonished as he was.

“They are asking how much you charge. And saying other things I don’t think you really want to know,” he responded, patting my right shoulder.

“Charge? Like a prostitute!” A surge of shame instantly invaded my being, making me want to burry my face under my blue yarn-knit sweater. I fought the tears.

“Yes, I’m afraid. You see, most of the prostitutes in Istanbul are like you. And majority of the pornography movies that they have access to mostly have girls like you. So people generalize,” he clarified, each word feeling like a double-edged sword reeling down my throat.

What does ‘like you’ even mean? I thought.

Look like you…

I didn’t ask anymore. The look in his eyes suggested that he was silently consoling me for either things beyond my imagination or information my dignity could not handle.

Even if I was one, would I be parading my services in broad daylight? Wearing this granny sweater and baggy jeans? I loathed silently.

Henceforth, I made sure I was in the company of a non-Black person when roaming the streets. Until one dusk, I wasn’t!

Two weeks later, a man appeared from behind me as I walked home alone and grabbed me. It was dark but I could see his raging eyes, yellow teeth and smell tobacco off his breath. His grip was very tight and he held me against the wall and said he would kill me if I made the slightest noise. In ENG-LI-SH!

My feet trembled uncontrollably. I could hardly stand…then from nowhere, the supermarket vendor appeared and began to yell in Turkish running in our direction.

“You lucky bitch,” the assailant mumbled and disappeared into the street.

There was no telling what would have become of my life after that night. I phoned Mother and asked to have my flight rescheduled so I would go back home ASAP! But somehow she talked me into staying although I had not told her what had happened. She probably thought I was just homesick.

That weekend I decided to go to the clothes market down town. Everything stopped the moment I walked into the first store. People came up to me and began to ask for photos, smile, and ask questions. One helluva Rihanna-battling-paparazzi moment. I managed to maneuver through the crowd to the exit and just   aend racisms I was one foot out…the alarm at the exit freaking rang. A woman covered in a hijab had stepped out simultaneously so we were both stopped but I was called back and my stuff turned inside out and searched over and over. Couldn’t the hijab woman have been a shoplifter too?

On the whole, I’ve heard about racism but I really didn’t think that at some point in my life someone would walk up to me and ask, “Why are you Black?” Or that I’d walk into a restaurant and a child would point at me with a frowned face, seemingly disgusted and scared. This one time, a waiter stared till he missed a step, fell and sprained his leg. Poor guy. Or that I’d visit tourist sites and be more of the tourist attraction than the site. My braids alone got me enough attention to make me Michelle Obama!

 You had better have your directions well-figured out!

So Whitney managed to get lost twice .

The first time I got lost was very scary. I took the tram and went to the market. Yeah…the market where they mistook me for a shoplifter. I loved that market because things were in varieties, cheap and of such good quality. Before I knew it, it was beginning to get dark and I couldn’t find my way out of the market. I had absconded from work that day so I couldn’t call anyone from the team. My other friends in Turkey could not understand my description of where I was. The vendors I spoke to could not understand me either. I stood at a corner, sobbing as I imagined being kidnapped and sold in Afghanistan as a maid…then I saw a police car. I ran towards it waving my hands in the air. The police men drove me home.

The next time I got lost, I was going to pick my friends Aditya and Rizka from the bus stop. Then I decided to take a short cut. Okay…I had never used the route before, neither did I know for sure that it was a shorter route, it just seemed…trignometrily…like it would get me to the main road a little faster. Before I knew it, I had walked for one hour and I did not know neither the way forward nor my way back.

…really could have walked to Syria.

“I’ll be there in a minute,” I had said to Aditya a few minutes ago which later turned out to be five hours later.

Hallmarks are an important art to master in a foreign country. I really could have walked to Syria, God!

Love and Good Vibes

Despite getting lost, the staring and discriminatory incidences, there was bliss a time or two. MMF’14 team was one of a kind. Whenever we stayed in, we cooked for each other traditional meals. The Organizing Committee (OC) was always with us right from the president (OCP) which I found quite humbling. Every Friday evening, the OC would organize a house party for us or we would go clubbing.

Also, because I was different, I received bountiful dinner and lunch invitations from parents, teachers, and students from both my school and my colleagues’ schools. I did get to interact with Turkish families and experience the pompous role of the husbands; submissive role of the wives; and dutiful role of the children while at the home.

 Goodies are good!

Turkish food is heaven on earth. By the time I was returning to Kenya, I looked like I would burst out of my skin. The school lunch at Çağdaş Bilgi especially, damn!

1149618_660572384001896_82465349_o - Copy
pulled-out-of-a-soap opera handsome

The men, my friend, are pulled-out-of-a-soap-opera handsome. Jaysus! The statistics I am accustomed to in Kenya is; out of a crowd of a thousand, 80% are beautiful women, 10% handsome men and 10% of ordinary looks. However, in Turkey the statistic was 80% handsome men and 20% beautiful women, in my perspective. It’s sad though that English is a serious struggle for the majority of Turks so when flirting, sign language would probably work better than verbal exchange. But hey… props to Google! When you are having a conversation with a Turk and they are on their phone. Keep calm. They are not ignoring you. It’s Google translate!

Moreover, their sceneries are breathtaking. We visited historical cafés, amusement parks, and museums. We would make road trips to other cities over the weekend. We visited the ice cream city, Kahramanmaras; the sea side, Rumkale; and the religious city, Sanliurfa among other places. Turks homes are generally adorned with expensive and artistic assets. The main house structures are apartments.

1026193_661151697277298_1892443583_oAt the end of the trip, I felt different. More like I had a new set of eyes. I had also grown to love someone from Afghanistan, China, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Serbia, Taiwan, Tunisia and Turkey. I miss you guys. When the project was coming to an end, we had to set ourselves up in groups and prepared short films. During the gala night, my team’s film won the Most Creative Film Award. I am enormously grateful to everyone who gave me the experience of a lifetime; the MMF’14 organising commitee topping the list.

10930926_882196278506171_4948364904215250080_nThe highlights of my trip reside in this picture. I met someone who changed my whole perspective of love and true connection between human beings.  You…yes you, will always be a part of me. And I hope that everyone who gets to be with you every day, loves you as you deserve.

On the whole, going away from home is something that elevates some and re-creates others. But no one can tell the story better than you can. Travel. Make your story. And if you already have one, share!

cutmypic(1)Christopher Poindexter, one of my favorite poets, wrote truth. Mmmh…pen or gun?

Take Dan, Carol and Anna for example.

 For the first time, I came out bare…in my weaknesses, struggles and pain yet felt understood and worthy of a second chance at life. Thank you. Dan texted.

When I decided to write about drug abuse for a local daily, Rob referred me to Dan. The latter was our classmate in campus. My immediate reaction was that of dismissal.

Dan?! Ever vibrant Dan?! I thought.

Rob assured me that there would be a gruesome twist of perception. Well, he was right! During the interview with Dan, another side of him unravelled. I saw him for who I never thought he was capable of being. His usual optimistic, bubbly-self transmuted to that of a child forced out of a bouncing castle. I felt guilty for taking him back down that road, psychologically.

One year later, I received that text from him. For the first time in my history of writing, I was at a place of immense self-worth and tranquility. I felt that as an emerging writer, I was on the right path…on a worthy course.

My sentiments aside, Dan was introduced to ecstasy by a close friend while at a popular group of schools in Nairobi. He was fourteen at the time.

They all had issues they needed to cope with.

“My family had problems. I needed something to get me away from it all. I was always in the company of at least four friends. They all had issues they needed to cope with. Soon ecstasy seemed incompetent so we turned to Burn; mixture of cocaine and marijuana. By the time I was 16, I was also doing Reo; crystal meth. See, supply of hard drugs in academies was always popping. Schools for the rich,” he muttered.

Soon, the management of the school he was attending began to threaten to discontinue Dan due to his poor grades. His parents transferred him to a popular boys secondary school in Gatundu, Central Kenya. Due to a lower supply of drugs in his new environment, he began to spiral out of sanity. He would skip class and/or run away over the weekend to meet up with his the crew from his former school.

“One lonely Saturday afternoon, I was smoking some of my good stuff in my room when my elder sister walked in on me. She told the whole family over dinner. My dad was especially furious and swore to never support me in any kind of way. With no financial support from my parents, I began to steal to support my lifestyle. This one time, I took ten grand from my dad’s safe. He called the police on me but my mom bailed me out. This created a rift between my parents,” he recounted ruefully.

In 2007, Dan ran the risk of being charged with first degree murder. He had a girlfriend with whom he did the drugs. They usually had violent confrontations. One day, as the couple relaxed in a friend’s house waiting for him to bring drugs, they got into an argument. He lifted her flimsy body off the couch and smashed her against a wall.

They usually had violent confrontations.

“I then took a knife ready to chop her into a million pieces but someone hit me from the back. I woke up in hospital,” he said and hurdled himself with his knees to his chest and arms all around them for support. He wept.

“I could have killed someone. And this is when I realized that I needed help,” he said.

He spent the next two and a half years, in and out of rehabilitation centers.

“I am better now. The rift in my family still exists. Sometimes I feel like they don’t expect me to result into much. Perhaps it’s because I am now HIV positive, a consequence I will have to live with for making poor decisions,” he said as we concluded the interview.

Coerced into alcohol.

Carol was coerced into alcohol at the age of ten by their house help. When her father chose promiscuity over her mother, the constant feuds at home pushed her into a drinking habit. In 2006, she confessed her addiction to her mother.

“You are too young to have a drinking problem,” her mother retorted.

This dismissal made her believe that her drinking problem was a fallacy until it evidently wasn’t. In 2007, she beat up her class prefect to a pulp while at a prominent girls secondary school in Vokoli, Western Kenya.

“She had falsely accused me of making noise. I hit her against her desk until she bled from her nose. I tore all her books and threw them in the pit latrine,” she narrated.

This was Carol’s cue to reform. She confessed to her teacher with whom they made the decision to enroll her in Nairobi Place, a rehabilitation center in Karen. This was in 2008.

tumblr_static_8xw7a4gxgx8oc80cos4o00cg8_640_v2Anna was introduced to laced marijuana by her boyfriend. When she realized that the drug made her resilient to the sadness synonymous with being at home, she made it her comfort zone. Five months into smoking, she became violent and withdrawn. She would not return home for days or even weeks which worried her parents who took her to a psychiatrist. Here, not much was established so they took her a hospital for blood sampling. It was discovered that she had taints of bhang. She became defensive and even more rebellious.

“One week after getting into a fist fight with my mother and kicking her to the floor, my parents proposed a reconciliatory talk over lunch. The lunch venue turned out to be Bustani Rehabilitation Centre in Lavington. I don’t even know for how long I was admitted there,” she said.

Every day, somewhere…someone we know or even we ourselves are a Dan, Anna or a Carol. Times can be hard, I understand. But there is a way is see it all. In athletics, policy makers call the shots on where athletes should stand and when they should begin the race. The athletes decide their pace and how to finish the race. Every challenge we go through, every enemy standing along the way waiting to kick us off balance, is nothing more than the policy makers. They may decide our beginnings but it is up to us to influence our end.

Good-Life-Choices-Quotes14-1So when you wake up tomorrow, will you pick up the pen or the gun?




Avril is in control, strong but humble, affectionate and motherly as well.

Judith Nyambura Mwangi, popularly known as Avril, was born and raised in Shabaab Area, Nakuru Town.

“Shabaab is dominated by industries and garages. I’d liken it to Eastlands of Nairobi, with few mansions here and there,” said a native of Nakuru.

Amazing how glamorous life has turned out to be for Avril, huh?

Her journey into performing arts began at Lion’s Primary School, Nakuru. Here, she was an active Drama Club member. She sang, role-played and MCee-d at events. Over time, her confidence before large crowds flourished. Avril also had staunch support from her parents which kept her going when times got hard. In most cases, fame gained at such an age heralds pride and a gradual concentration–shift from education to amusement of fame. According to Avril, none of it felt enough of a big deal to make her pompous. Away from stage, she was and still is the reserved, quiet type.

“When I look back at how I started out, it feels as though being on stage had already been planned for me. It felt so normal, it’s like I wasn’t even before a crowd,” she squeaked.

The Mwangis then moved to Saint Mary’s Area, Nakuru, where they have lived ever since. She was 13 years old at the time.

“I get really caught up with work but I try to be home every two to three months. My parents live the modern way so they do not keep cows that I can milk once in a while so when I’m home I just sleep. Rest,” she said.

Moving to Uganda.

“The change was good. I needed it.”

When she joined secondary school, her parents asked her to set aside performing arts. They felt it was time she concentrated on her studies. Moreover, Moi Forces Academy in Lanet was a Catholic school. The curriculum was strictly all work no play which made Judith a dull one. Uganda meant distance from the parents and thus freedom to explore her dreams. Also, she had always wanted to join Makerere University in Uganda.

“I was made president of so many clubs. At some point I was even a head girl,” she said and chortled with delight, explaining how much the country loved her. All these experiences contributed to her flamboyant personality.

Career shaped.

avril_versus_size_855d5ff963456bShe made her first debut in 2006. Till now she has done Kitu Kimoja, Mama, Chokoza (featuring Marya) and Najivunia (featuring Trapee). She has also won several awards which include Chaguo La Teeniez Best Female Artiste (2011 and 2012), Nzumari Best Female Artiste 2011 Award, Kisima Award and Boomba Artiste of the Year 2012. In 2010, she was nominated for the Channel O Music Video Awards. In that category, she was competing against Nameless, Wyre, Shaa Khan (Tanzania) and Obita (South Africa). She did not win but felt entirely proud of the nomination.

“Being nominated alongside big shots in the industry is already a win,” she professed.

Notice, it took about five years for Avril to secure a place in the music industry. If we could veer the limelight to Camp Mulla for a moment, though separated now, they are much younger but their reign over the music industry, unlike Avril, was instant. Well, she attributes this to two things: Revolution of technology and Merging of entrepreneurship with music. These privileges were amiss during Avril’s generation of artistes.

“All the same, I was never really serious about my music career till 2010. However, I am ecstatic about Camp Mulla and the likes, because their work shows that the industry is growing.”

An article published on a tabloid likened Avril’s music and character to Rihanna.

“My style…yes…may be a bit of Rihanna but Beyoncé gets a full pass. Beyoncé is powerful, in control, strong, independent but humble, affectionate and motherly as well. As for Rihanna, I find her needy and lonely. Being someone who needs love is not a good thing especially for a woman,” she said.

Matters of the heart.

PERSONALITY PROFILE: AVRIL kenya“Love is care, honesty, trust, security. I can only settle for a man who gives 100% of these. Marrying a man with an incompatible chart is acceptable for me only if there are things to learn from each other and talk about as well,” she said.

During this interview, rumor had it that she was romantically involved with comedian Felix Odiwuor alias Jalang’o. I had also watched them having a drink in a lounge along Monrovia Street where they appeared quite cosy with each other and left holding hands. Very sneaky of me, I know but hey… territorial hazard honey! Upon inquiry, she wasn’t upfront about their relationship but the shy smile and evasive eye contact she had, spoke silently.

“Uumh… (Giggles) he is hardworking, very talented, protective…gives 80 percent,” she declared.

Other shades of Avril.

“Avril is intelligent, big hearted, funny and caring,” said Wallace Ngige, a production manager, D. j and Presenter at 87.6 radio of Kigali, Rwanda.

“Interestingly, you do not even have to be closely acquainted to realize that Avril is down to earth, charismatic and very supportive and never looks down upon anyone,” Arnold Muthama, a fan, commented.

Away from singing, she adores cooking. Coriander is a die-hard ingredient in most of her dishes.

“I am Kikuyu, you know,” she taunted. She also likes to design clothes and loves colours. She dislikes yellow though. In her point of view, it is an unhealthy colour.

“It is so mafuta-ish (Like oil).”

Her basic principle in life is the Law of Attraction.

39166-avril“Positive attracts Positive. This is why I like optimists and people who add value to my life. I usually monitor posts on my social media accounts and block the pessimists and abusive followers.” She also believes in the superiority of family and respect for one’s home. This is why no one enters her home except her very close friends and family. Other principles she lives by are highly influenced by her icons Oprah Winfrey, Tyra Banks, Chris Kirubi and Richard Branson. Altogether, they inspire her to help the youth and teach her how to blend business and fun.

Explains the presence of Richard Branson’s Losing My Virginity on the table, I thought.

Her advice to other celebrities is to learn how to distinguish true love from vague love, from their fans.

“Some people are out to just smash us to nothingness. When I was fresh in the industry, insults or condescending comments from my audience made me cry. The sex scandal, however, turned out to be my blessing in disguise. It made me strong…so strong. Any fellow public figure barbed in such scandals should simply keep positive company and keep their head up. They should also refuse to hurdle up in a corner complaining about life, pitying themselves. Learn and move on.”

The future.

In five years, she aspires to have done collaborations with the likes of Beyoncé. She also intends to venture into other genres of music. She hopes to open an art school and develop it to a spectacular level. She is also working on something to flip the state of fashion in Nakuru County. Charity does begin at home after all!

PS: This was the very first interview I did on a public figure. And despite looking like I had been hit by a bus because of anxiety, not having interviewing equipment and that wig of mine that kept falling off…she gave me such an easy time. Thank you Avril.

It is so typical of me to be in love with soap operas. I am a woman! My best part is watching how a stubborn ex-spouse can be ambitious and malicious. I have an insatiable thirst for their go-getter attitude and drama. The characters chosen to play the crazy ex are usually such gorgeous beings. I still do not get why they struggle to move on.

woman-chasing-manTelevision life aside, some of you are living your very own soap operas with exes whose insanity runs from showing up at your door step with a million and something apologies, love songs or poems. How about that one who is bombarding your office desk with roses and gifts? Then there is the other one who should be blacklisted by mobile service providers for the endless phone calls, texts and voice messages. Also, there is the good Samaritan type who do monthly shopping and are more than willing to buy a house and/or take care of your children whether theirs or not. We dare not forget the wild, venomous ones. These are the exes we all either hate and have or hate to have. They besmirch you on the internet, at the office, midst your friendship circles. Everyone knows everything that is wrong with you as far as spousal duties is concerned.

*Brandon, a calm guy in his early 30’s had the worst of 2012 thanks to his ex. Theirs was a bad break and following futile efforts to get him to take her back, she resulted to downloading his call and text records. She was an employee of a famous telecommunication company in Africa and thus got access to the records, regardless of the legal consequence of her behavior. She would also visit him, dressed in a way he found provocative then leave her belonging at his premises. On seeing that her hard work was not amounting to any pay, she asked to be friends with benefits (FWB).

“I am naturally a good guy. I was pestered and forced to be mean for a year,” *Brandon lamented.

*Juliana, a prominent human resource manager in Nakuru Town, had the ideal stalker of an ex. He paid her watchman at home to notify him whenever another man visited and the time she left the premises and/or returned.

“For five years he has sent intimidating messages, lonely ones or random invites to his parents’ home. I find it very disrespectful,” she said.

*Irene, in her 20’s, is healing from a traumatizing experience which lasted for six months. Imagine the ex who shows up at every party you are in then tries to act ‘relationship’ with you. Young hot blood needs space to boil, especially at a party flocking with singles.

“I felt suffocated.”

*Eric, in his mid- 20’s, explained how his ex-girlfriend would call his mother pleading her to ‘reconcile’ them. She still blows up his phone with phone calls and texts up to date. He wishes that there was a way he could stop her because he has moved on and cannot ruin futuristic chance at love over a sour past.

“I feel honored but embarrassed or sometimes…guilty.”

Such clingy exes are usually trying to relay a certain message. It could be all or some of the following:

Their self-esteem is at floor level.
It is such nothingness that they does not see themselves worth finding someone new to love them. People with self-esteem issues can be such trouble to handle. In their eyes, life is all about bitterness, anger, self-pity, overcompensation and paranoia.

Regret and guilt gnaw at their soul.

They took you for granted and disrespected you. Perhaps you have children together. The ex was rarely there for the children. Now that you are no longer in the picture, they miss you and guilt is tormenting them. Sticking around you tames the harshness entwined with regret. They would rather do good things for you to soothe pangs of the what ifs and the should haves.

 You are their obsession.

They eat you, drink you, smell you, and live you. If you remember Lisa from the movie Obsessed featuring Beyoncé Knowles and Idris Elba, you get an idea of what being someone’s obsession means. And this, my friend, is a mental problem that needs professional help.

First Love Syndrome on parole.

The first cut is the deepest, no doubt. I remember my first heartbreak, I stayed in bed and cried, waiting for him to come back in a white horse and ride away into paradise with me. Yeah…a little like what Alejandro did for Paloma.

 They are scared of loneliness.

The Bible says that we were made for each other hence need one another. Once in a while, we all need to sleep and wake up to another heart beat besides ours. Perhaps need to come home to someone after a long day at work.

They cannot let you have an easy way out.
This is why they are trashing your name on Twitter and leaking those steamy videos you made together on YouTube. At this point, Adobe Creative Suite is their best friend and your worst enemy.

My take?

IMG_20160113_110832Every place where the bus stops, someone has to get off. When someone’s time with you is up, let it be. In fact , do everything in your power to cut them off. They had their time with you and wasted it, end of story. File a restraining order against them if you have to. Heck, even shift to another area if you can. You could also do it *Brandon’s way; set clear boundaries in a firm but friendly way, cut contact with the friends you and your ex had in common, clear all their things from your place and take care of the child peacefully and responsibly.

Moreover, bear in mind that anyone who is uncomfortable being alone will rarely be comfortable with you in their life. Suggest that they get a pet. In that way there will be two heartbeats in bed; theirs and the cat’s. Parrots are good too. We can all agree that the bigger percentage of who we are is built on our background and upbringing. Therefore bitter, vengeful people usually have some resentment brooding from a past which if you are not psychologically or emotionally cut out to handle, you’d better leave it for the professionals to handle. Because when you decide to buckle up to their baggage and be their arm –chair therapist you will end up drained or just like them. A drowning man pulls you in with him.

The experts’ take?

According to Gary Criag, the mind behind Emotional Freedom techniques (EFT), negative emotions spread negative energy. Therefore is essential to detox from the negative emotions involved with an ex to be positively open to fresh relationships.

According to Dr. John Marsden of the United Kingdom’s National Addiction Center, love is a game of the mind and hormones. First love being the icebreaker, it has to be overwhelming. The effects can fade if you think it.

Cecilia Kavita, a family and marital therapist based in Nairobi, added that some exes are afraid to move on due to financial dependency. She recommended psycho education which will help the clinging individual understand oneself, the relationship dynamics and why it is unhealthy to cling on unhealthy relationship. She also recommended psychotherapy aka cognitive behavioral therapy. This generally helps the individual change their thinking and perception, uncover the motivations and fears associated with their thoughts and behavior then help the person learn to relate to self and others in way that adds value to self.

“Personality assessment and analysis will also help the individual to understand their personality traits and encourage them to cling on their positive traits but not on the self-defeating traits that cause them pain and frustration. Personal coaching can help the individual face life with more self-respect, explore and maximize their potential hence reduce the dependency syndrome. Livelihood empowerment can help reduce dependency if combined with psychotherapy and coaching, as it will help in improving self-differentiation and bring the realization that one can also meet their needs,” she added.

7-let-go-and-forgiveAs I wrap up this issue about clingy exes, remember to let your head speak louder than your heart. You cannot joyride on their generosity and weakness any longer. The next time your ex shows up at your door wearing that ‘I hoped you would see my face and that you would be reminded that for me, it is not over’ look, you know what to conclude and how to act. Happy living!


“When I went to the toilet, something like a ball with strings came out. I could not tell what it was so I put it in a paper bag I had in my handbag and threw it into the pit latrine,” said Cheptoo, a worker in a flower farm in Salgaa, Nakuru.

Few weeks into May 2012, she began to experience profuse vaginal bleeding. Cheptoo did not have money to go to the hospital so she decide to use sanitary towels until she had earned enough at the farm to consult a doctor. The situation worsened over time and came along with seething abdominal pain. Distressed, she reported to the organization’s nurse, Beatrice. The medical practitioner did a physical examination and confirmed that Cheptoo was pregnant. A prescription was given to stop the bleeding. The medication was effective but after two weeks, the bleeding and pain started again. This time, Beatrice referred her to the Provincial District Hospital (PDH) in Nakuru Town. Here, the doctor advised Cheptoo to begin on pre-natal care at the hospital as this would manage similar complications during her pregnancy.

b3cb05205fd01ee0653a6792fdbc484dCheptoo’s husband, James was working as a security guard at the Gogar Farm in Rongai. Aware of their grand expectation, he worked extra shifts and did other casual jobs for a financial boost. Cheptoo was worried as to why the pregnancy had been so troubling unlike her first. However, just like any mother, she hoped for the best and devotedly continued with pre-natal care.

Four months later, the doctor at PDH informed Cheptoo that she would probably give birth in November; a month later than she expected, if he bleeding continued.

“It would give us time to buy more new baby items and clothes as well,” Cheptoo said.

A month shy of her due date, the bleeding started.

“Niliskia ni kama mtoto anatoka. (It felt as though the baby was coming out),” she said.


She was rushed to Sister Mazolda clinic where she was given Buscopan and a physical test conducted. On feeling that the stomach was empty, the nurse sent her to Rongai Health Centre for further checkup. The doctor felt no child, as well. Later, Cheptoo went for scan at PDH. The scan was done but the doctor who had the skills to interpret the results was absent. They administered medicine to halt the bleeding and since she could not afford to be admitted, they asked her to return after two days. The following morning, the bleeding was gone so she report to work. At around mid-day, she went to the toilet and this is when something round, black, with strings came out, which she wrapped in a paper bag and threw in the toilet.

When the scan results were finally out, she was informed that her pregnancy was not growing. This was because her kidney had dropped on the foetus and needed to be returned to position.

pregnant-art“However, the pregnancy must be terminated,” the doctor declared.

“I had never even heard of a kidney dropping. I was shocked beyond words,” she mumbled, struggling to not succumb to tears. She explained the toilet experience and after a few tests, the doctor confirmed that what she had thrown into the latrine was her child.

“So what may have happened exactly? If that was her baby, why did it look far from a human being? How could her kidney dropping have gone unnoticed for so long?” Cheptoo still asks till today.

The condition.

Floating kidney (nephroptosis) is a condition where the kidney descends five centimeters from its usual position. It is also referred to as renal ptosis, hyper mobile or wandering kidney. The kidney can drop to levels as low as the pelvis, even coil around other organs; the ureter, for example. This leaves the kidney and some other affected organs malfunctioned. In the end, waste is not effectively eliminated from the body. Accumulation of wastes inhibits production of ova (oogensis) therefore preventing menstruation and pregnancy. It also inhibits efficient filtering of bacteria out of the blood causing blood poisoning (Septicemia).

tumblr_m2iy6wXjba1qz7t0xo1_1280This disorder is more common in women than men. Those mostly affected are thin women with long waists, just like Cheptoo. The leading cause is deficiency in potassium which strengthens the tissue that supports the kidney (perirenal fascicle). Exerting too much pressure onto your abdomen area can also cause the disorder. This includes hard blows onto the abdomen area and heavy-weight lifting.

Symptoms include very high blood pressure, chills, nausea, severe abdominal pains, pain while passing urine or even having blood in urine. The situation is worse when a woman is pregnant because the body has to struggle to sustain both the mother and child. The expectant woman will retain much more wastes and thus have much higher blood pressure, leading to hypertension and fluid retention, and protein in the urine (preeclampsia). Did you know that, women with HBP and excess protein in their urine face a 60% risk of infant death during their pregnancy?

Research on kidney cancer in the United Kingdom showed that some people live with nephroptosis for years without knowing.

“It is asymptomatic. When symptomatic, however, it is characterized by violent, sharp pains that radiate into the groin,” said Amir Javed, a Nephrologist based in London.

This disorder cannot be diagnosed when lying down. This is because the kidney drops when you stand but returns to position when you lie down. The abdominal pain and pressure even subsides in the latter position. CT Scans and ultra sounds cannot detect it. A physical examination when standing and an x-ray on both the kidney and bladder should be done.  For pregnant women, it is recommended that they have a credible medical practitioner monitor their blood pressure, creatinine levels, blood urea levels, protein levels, cholesterol and urine potassium and mineral levels. This should continue for the first 32 weeks of the pregnancy. Women planning to have children should consult a nephrologist before getting started.

 Laparoscopic Nephropexy surgery can be done to re-position the kidney. When floating kidney overcomes an expectant woman, the doctor is required to induce birth or recommend a caesarian section. The born one may then be placed in the neonatal intensive care unit. Other less expensive measures may be gaining weight or doing exercises that tighten the abdomen.

“I feel lucky to be alive,” Cheptoo said smiling.

*Names changed/referenced on first name basis to protect identity*


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