


The media and life today has trapped us into the facade of “Instant Results”. It’s time to break out of it! Join us as we demystify this lie and how we can move at out own pace.  during this episode with Cindy Beyene, a Kenyan Digital Media Strategist. 

Do you ever wonder if you can truly make money doing what you love, especially in the creative industry? In this episode, we chat ‎with Bevern Oguk –Creative Director, Bogük who describes his journey building a fashion brand from Day 1 while living in Kibera – largest slum in Africa to date. He attests that it making money out of your talent is achievable in Africa and shares what took him to the centre stage of international platforms, showcasing his unique creativity that tells the story of Africa through fashion.

This is a candid, heartfelt story about a memory of a love so cherished which yields an encounter with grief and ends in release and hope. It is a story ‎of navigating grief through self-expression ‎and self-love.‎

If you’re more of a listener than a reader, enjoy the podcast!

I send lots of love, affirmations, and prayer to anyone grieving a deceased loved one, dream, plan, ambition, expectations or goals that are no longer yours to hold. May we all have the confidence to face what we are leaving behind and bid goodbye. May our ‎‎hearts be filled with hope and comfort for a tomorrow that does not involve what we are leaving behind but has us in it—and we are enough.‎

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The quick answer to “how are you doing?” is often “I am okay”. How often are we usually genuinely okay? Certainly not often in Kenya, as estimates show that 1 in 2 adolescents are clinically diagnosed with elevated anxiety and depression symptoms in the country. In sub-Saharan Africa, 1 in 7 adolescents experiences mental health disorders. In this #WorldMentalHealthDay episode, we chat ‎with two Kenyans: Olive Ndiang’ui – Psychologist and Founder of Prometheus Psychosocial Consulting and Onyango Otieno – Trauma therapist, Healing and Connection Storyteller about their experiences as bold, young advocates for mental health in Africa. They share their perspectives on steps youth in Africa can take to prioritise their mental well-being.

Would you accept an offer to have an all-expenses-paid lunch treat in different cities every day ‎at this very moment? Nice huh?! Would you investigate the intention behind the invite, or ‎would it be an ‘eat-now-reflect-later’ kind of situation?‎

I used to enjoy glittery propositions, but as I venture deeper into healing and evolving as a woman, I became more sensitive to the kind of attention and affection I accept and submit to, underpinned by one key ‎question; What is the intention behind this crown?

This story is about Crowns of the World, plus a three-step rule to escape deception. If you’re more of a listener than a reader, enjoy the podcast!

This release is now a standard, daily practice in full acceptance that:‎ There are many things, but there are MY things;‎ There are good things, but there are things that are good for ME;‎ There are many exciting journeys and paths, but there is MY journey and MY path;‎ There are crowns of the world and crowns bestowed by God uniquely and wonderfully made ‎for ME.‎

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Do you worry that you’re too young to achieve your dreams? Or think of your age as a setback/limitation? You’re not alone! According to the 2021 Global Ageism Report compiled by the United Nations, every second a person in the world is believed to hold ageist attitudes – leading to poorer physical and mental health and reduced quality of life for older persons, costing societies billions of dollars each year. In Africa, youth face age-related barriers in different spheres of their lives: commonly in leadership and employment. In this episode, we chat ‎with Sharon Wendo the C.E.O and Creative Director of Epica Jewellery from Kenya and Arinze Chiemenam, a Spoken Word Artist, Content Developer, Storyteller and Social Media Manager from Nigeria about their experiences with ageism among youth in Africa. They share ways they beat the age-bias to thrive as  young, ambitious Africans.

Learning is not always easy, but when you practise what you find difficult, you will see how easy the learning process becomes for you. When you learn a new skill, then you open the way for your own development as well as the development of your nation. In this episode, we chat ‎with Alice Mensah is a renowned growth marketer from Ghana. Her excellent skills in the field have secured her a position in one of Ghana’s most successful fintechs. She is curious, open-minded, and always ready to learn and share her knowledge.

Dear Young African,

This Social Media Toolkit is for you! It contains resources that you can share with your friends and fellow youth on social media to let them know ‎more about what we do and the opportunities we have for ‎them!

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