Author's Bio

"Writing for me is like the air that I breathe. It is sawn into my jeans and has become an aspect of my ‎everyday life. I have been writing for over seven years now, and I never grow tired of it no matter ‎what. I hope one day my work will be recognised for its beauty, and I will be given the chance to live ‎out my dreams as a renowned author and inspire those like me. Before the age of eighteen, I had ‎already written my first two novels, an achievement I am beyond proud of. I want the world to know ‎that anything is possible if you believe in yourself and put in the hard work despite the poverty life ‎you were born in. I’m living proof that anything is possible.‎"
Fiona Mwangala
Cape Town, South Africa

When I was younger, I never knew the meaning of true happiness, and even at present, I still ‎wonder ‎if I will have that happiness that everyone speaks of.‎

I wish someone would’ve told me what the world was truly capable of instead of filling me up ‎with ‎false hope of a world full of cupcakes and rainbows. I mean, surely you would think I ‎would’ve ‎learned my lesson for the true horrors of the world after having an encounter with the ‎devil, yet I still ‎held on to that thread of silver lining. Foolishly hoping that things would get better ‎and that after a ‎storm comes a rainbow, I desperately desired to see that bright multi ‎coloured arc.

I didn’t have the best upbringing, considering I was born in a poor family, my ‎morals were twisted, ‎and the only thing I cared about was the love I had for my cousin, whom I ‎considered a brother. ‎I ‎didn’t have access to the rest of the world, so I knew what I was told and saw on TV in ‎shops. Life ‎was not easy for me, food was scarce, and with reality so far away, I figured this was ‎all my life was ‎going to be like.

I was broken, uneducated, and possibly having kids at an early age, but ‎I was taken away from that ‎destructive path and set onto a ‎brighter future with God’s grace. Things got better than worse than ‎better, and a deafening calm passed before ‎things went downhill before my very eyes, and I finally ‎lost faith in humanity as I discovered the ‎horrors of what we are capable of. I was so used to having a ‎rich life that I wasn’t prepared when it was ripped away ‎from me, and I ended up stumbling over my ‎own feet and falling face first.‎

I was truly desperate for things to get better. When the clock struck 11:11, I would close my ‎eyes ‎tightly and make a wish I knew would never come true. However, now all I wish for is someone ‎to ‎have told me that wishes don’t come true unless you make them come true. In the end, no ‎one can ‎rescue you except yourself, which is something I came to later to understand the term, ‎where there is ‎a will, there’s a way.

One might think that their world is crumbling around them for a good reason, but what ‎one oversees ‎is the true strength of the mind. It is not easy to fight your demons when you’re ‎fighting yourself in ‎the process, so as I think back to when I was younger, I wish I never fought so ‎hard with myself. If ‎only I had accepted myself sooner, then many bad situations could have ‎been avoided. If only I had ‎begun loving myself sooner, then I would have achieved many ‎things. ‎

For one, I know if i convinced myself that i was worth it, I would have fought more for my ‎own ‎future and not left it in someone else’s hands to do as they please with it. The ‎mind is indeed a ‎powerful organ and one we take for granted every day. People tend to scroll past ‎motivational ‎pictures or images, not realising that change begins with the mind. ‎ You can’t simply change overnight, it takes time, and it all starts in your head by changing the ‎way ‎you think. Once you believe you are worthy, you wouldn’t believe what miracles you will ‎achieve ‎with that mindset, and the world will be your oyster. I didn’t have anyone to tell me that I ‎was enough ‎to achieve whatever I put my mind to, so I’m saying it now for whoever ‎needs to hear it, YOU ARE ‎ENOUGH, YOU ARE WORTHY. ‎

I don’t know how many people need to hear that, but it never hurts to hear it because it reminds ‎us ‎that there are people out there who still care for your well being and want what’s best for ‎you.

So to the youth of tomorrow, don’t be so hard on yourself and remember that your mind is your ‎‎greatest weapon and if used correctly and with the proper nourishment, you can reach the stars ‎and ‎beyond. ‎Imagine if you woke up and told yourself that you are smart, gorgeous, talented ‎or wanted ‎every morning, your mind will automatically engrave that in your head, and before you know it, you ‎‎will be those things you told yourself that you are. ‎

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