When I grow up I wanted to be…

…I remembered how growing up, I wanted to be a lawyer, then a civil engineer, and then a writer.

Years later, I started writing the life out of my soul on this blog. Today, writing is just 10% of what I do : 90% of what I do happens at a corner office desk, supplied with a nice breeze and gazillion sachets of coffee, in a certain NGO, bringing  life out of PR & Communication ideas and enhancing brand value…

…I remembered when everything changed. It was like I had been rescued from a deep hole. It was the day I started wanting better for myself, then I started expecting better from myself.

This day was somewhere within my 3rd year in university. I was holding up a 9-5 as a Science writer in a private publication company, a radio presenter at a community radio over the weekend and a freelance copy editor.  The thing about wanting better for yourself, it injects an enormous dose of passion and ambition in you. A kind of energy that pushes you to exceeded limits.

This era was particularly stressful for me because:

…a scientist with like 6 PhDs…

As a science writer, I was required to simplify the thesis of a scientist who had like 6 PhDs in Entomology into layman language. I was also required to attend science-related conferences around Nairobi and write a story thereafter. On good days, I’d be sitting through one conference to another, meeting esteemed scientists and innovators, devouring three course meals and leaving with per diem. On bad days, my colleagues and I would head to a conference only to reach there and find that our organisation had not been invited, and get kicked out or served with an invoice yet you’ve eaten half of what’s on the menu. Another thing about wanting better for yourself is there will be good days and bad days – your passion will get you through.

My show had been ‘scrapped off the programme’.

At the community radio station, I wasn’t exactly welcomed with open arms by everyone. It was a station owned and managed by a local university.I was not a student at the university. They let me train in broadcast journalism-for free- even though my major was in print journalism. About 4 months later, I was assigned to a Saturday evening show as the host. This obviously raised brows and earned me the side eye especially since the head of radio was a young bachelor and I was a young bachelorette too fond of my tight colourful mini-skirts. The telling glances graduated into deliberate ploys to kick me out of the studio. Sometimes I’d get to the studio and not have a show to run because my particular show had been ‘scrapped off the programme’. Only to consult the head of radio, and hear that as far as he’s concerned, the show should run. Well, yet another thing about wanting better for yourself is that the people you meet will either want the best or the worst for you… or not give two hoots about you!

I was ever so exhausted!

Obviously, with all that on my hands I was ever so exhausted! I remember going on dates with this Indian guy and I’d fall asleep in the middle of the conversations every time. He tolerated my fatigue for a while until one day, he walked out of the restaurant. I watched him wiggle his behind away, disappearing in the parking lot. Later that day, I had a meeting with myself and decided it was time to explore something of great magnitude yet less exhausting. The next year I traveled to Turkey, a move I consider life changing to date.  In case you missed the story, read it HERE. When you start wanting better for yourself, your eyes will be opened unto greater possibilities.

When I returned to Kenya, I remember looking at my environment, the people in it, the fact that for the first time I had nothing going on, and felt liberated yet challenged. A few months later, I moved into a new neighborhood, changed my number and started a fresh. It was one hell of a lonely journey but through it all, Flirt vodka was sufficient. Okay,…not quite. I actually quit alcohol and didn’t date as well. So through it all God’s grace was sufficient.

Here I am today at this space of utmost tranquility. And I couldn’t agree more: Such evolution! I’m comfortable in my quiet space which is too quiet sometimes, but at least there is no one threatening to snatch my wig.

On the whole,evolution isn’t for everyone. It’s only for those who want it bad enough to want better for themselves, and then expect better from themselves. If there’s a big lesson I’m taking with me into 2018, it’s that the urge to evolve is a decision reached by oneself.

I will always be grateful to everyone who believed in my strengths and gave me a chance, my mentors, friends and family for fueling my evolution.

Go ahead…put your trash out and prepare space for new things. This year will be great, I feel it in my bones. Happy fresh evolutionary 2018!


  1. Karen Masila

    Nice!! I love the enthusiasm and the positivity with which you express your story. I am glad to join your fan-pool!!

    • Welcome aboard Karen.This journey will be worth your while!

  2. This has just got me there pasuing my resolutions,new year health resolutions which needs a lot of patience and commitment for a health lifestyle
    You know what?? It is not easy but I love to read this stuff, they fuel my feeling of wanting to stay put and help others to come out of prison, you know what I mean..
    Thank you very much.

    • Abraham, your words convey your enthusiasm towards making the change. Keep the spirit!

  3. Great piece Whitney, and it’s even more appropriate for me at least because of the place I am at in life. Love it!

    • All the best with the journey. Before you know it, you’ll be out on the other side-the good side!

  4. Miriam Khaoya

    Nice piece of encouraging article this evolution thing is!! After silently going through it , I m contented with the decision I had to make on the start of this year 2018 ” Me, Myself and I ”

    Go, go girl. You are an endowed writer!

    • Wow! Thank you. Humbled by your kind words. Welcome to my blog and I hope to get you through more of your decisions in 2018!

  5. Merlyne k

    This just reminded me of an excerpt I read from mark mason book about not giving a f*k about all life’s trivialities and dramas,and when you evolve,u say good riddance to some rubbish,
    This is me and cheers to 2018

  6. Whitney, you are an awesome writer!!! I love reading your stories and always look forward to the next. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us !!!

    • Kathi, my dear. Thank you for being an avid reader.

  7. This is beautiful!!! Congratulations on your evolution!!! So brave… I also feel a brilliant 2018 coming up for me… I hope I’m as brave as you were… Godspeed!!!

    • Thank you! Everything you need to get where you want to be is in you. Look closely & quietly.You’ll find it.

  8. Susan Wambui

    ‘Put your trash out and prepare space for new things!’ yeeeeeessss! it’s definitely time to want more for ourselves. Thank you for the reminder and good job!

  9. Mwangi Ndungu

    Well said..Salute !!my girl and keep your head up as usual ,you Rock!

  10. Beautiful piece. Quite thought provoking on the need to find ways of getting the best for yourself.

  11. Guuuuuuurrrrrrlllll! ,I love this piece ❤️
    Here is to getting better and becoming better versions of ourselves.

  12. Reading this in 2019. Fantastic, motivating and educational!!!!

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